Docker /usr/local/Homebrew is not writable, Cannot connect to the Docker daemon 문제 해결네트워크 & 인프라 2024. 6. 4. 22:39
/usr/local/Homebrew is not writable 문제 발생 만약 brew upgrade docker 명령어를 실행할 때, 다음과 같이 /usr/local/Homebrew is not writable문제가 발생한다면, Error: /usr/local/Homebrew is not writable. You should change theownership and permissions of /usr/local/Homebrew back to youruser account: sudo chown -R user /usr/local/Homebrew==> Downloading
Mac에서 docker, docker machine, virtualbox설치하기네트워크 & 인프라 2022. 3. 28. 13:04
맥에서 도커를 설치해보자. 먼저 홈페이지에서 docker desktop을 다운받는다. Developers - Docker Docker Hub The world’s leading service for finding and sharing container images with your team and the Docker community. For developers and those experimenting with Docker, Docker Hub is your starting point into Docker containers. Create an account and s 도커 버전 확인하자. $ docker ver..