알고리즘 -3) DFS/ BFS알고리즘 2021. 5. 5. 19:34
1. DFS(stack사용)
function dfs (graph, startNode){ let visited = []; let stack = [start]; while(stack.length!==0){ let n = stack.pop(); if (!visited.includes(n)){ visited.push(n); let sub = graph[n].filter(x=>!visited.includes(x)) for (let i of sub){ stack.push(i); } } } return visited; }
2. BFS(queue사용)
function bfs (graph, startNode){ let queue = []; let visited = []; queue.push(startNode); while(queue.length!==0){ let now = queue.shift(); if(!visited.includes(now)){ visited.push(now); let sub = graph[n].filter(x=>!visited.includes(x)); for (let i of sub){ queue.push(i); } } } return visited; }
let queue = [start]; let visited = [start]; function solution (){ let count = -1; while(queue.length!==0){ count += 1; let size = queue.length; for(let i = 0;i<size; i++){ let node = queue.splice(0,1); if(node == end){ return count; } for (let nextNode in graph[node]){ if(!visited.includes(graph[node][nextNode])){ visited.push(graph[node][nextNode]); queue.push(graph[node][nextNode]); } } } } }
4. 최장경로
const graph = {1: [2, 3, 4], 2: [1, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3: [1, 2, 7], 4: [1, 2, 5, 6], 5: [2, 4, 6, 7], 6: [2, 4, 5, 7], 7: [3, 5, 6]}; const user_input = prompt('입력해주세요').split(' '); const start = parseInt(user_input[0], 10); const end = parseInt(user_input[1], 10); let queue = [start]; let visited = []; function solution(n, visited){ let node = n[n.length-1]; let length = 0; if ( node ==end){ return visited.length; } if(visited.includes(node)){ return visited.length; }else{ visited.push(node); } let max = []; for (let next_node in graph[node]){ n.push(graph[node][next_node]); max.push(length, sol(n, visited)); length = Math.max.apply(null, max); queue.pop(); } return length; } console.log(sol(queue, visited))
5. 가장 긴 공통 수열 부분 구하기
let input = [] require('readline') .createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout) .on('line', function(line) { input.push(line.trim()) }) .on('close', function() { const str1 = input[0].split('') const str2 = input[1].split('') function lcs(str1, str2){ const array = Array.from(Array(2000), ()=>Array()); for (let i = 0; i<=str1.length; i++){ for (let j = 0; j<= str2.length; j++){ array[i][j] =0; } } for (let i = 1; i<=str1.length; i++){ for(let j =1; j<=str2.length; j++){ if (str1[i-1]===str2[j-1]){ array[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1]+1; }else{ array[i][j] = Math.max(dp[i][j-1], dp[i-1][j]); } } } return array[str1.length][str2.length]; } console.log(lcs(str1, str2)); }); // 답안 // function sol(string){ // let result = []; // for (let i=1; i<string.length+1; i++){ // for (let j=0; j<i; j++){ // result.push(string.slice(j, j+string.length-i+1)); // } // } // return result; // } // const inputOne = prompt('첫번째 문자열을 입력해주세요.'); // const inputTwo = prompt('두번째 문자열을 입력해주세요.'); // const arrayOne = sol(inputOne); // const arrayTwo = sol(inputTwo); // //공통 부분 문자열 찾기- 교집합 // let intersection = arrayOne.filter(x => arrayTwo.includes(x)); // //문자열 길이로 내림차순 정렬 // intersection.sort((a,b)=>{ // return b.length-a.length; // }); // console.log(intersection[0].length);
6. 조합(순서 관계 없이 만들기)
function combination(chars){ let combi = []; const f = (prefix, chars)=>{ for( let i = 0; i<chars.length; i++){ combi.push(prefix + chars[i]); f(prefix + chars[i], chars.slice(i+1)); } } f('', chars); const result = combi.filter(x =>x.length ===n); console.log(result); return result.length; } const arr = prompt('입력해주세요').split(','); const n = parseInt(prompt('조합의 수를 입력해주세요'), 10); console.log(combination(arr));
arr : [1,2,3,4] 배열 num: 3 4개 중 3개를 뽑음 function combination(arr, num) { let result = []; if(num == 1) return arr.map(e => [e]); arr.forEach((e,i,array) => { let rest = array.slice(i+1); let combinations = combination(rest,num-1); let combiArr = combinations.map(x => [e, ...x]) result.push(...combiArr); }) return result; }
7. 순열(순서 관련해서 만들기)
function solution(chars){ let permute = []; const f = (prefix, chars)=>{ for(let i = 0; i<chars.length; i++){ permute.push(prefix + chars[i]); if(permute.indexOf(chars[i]+prefix)===-1){ permute.push(chars[i]+prefix); } f(prefix + chars[i], chars.slice(i+1)); } } f('', chars); let result = permute.filter(x=>x.length===len); result.sort((a,b)=> {return b-a}); return result[0]; } const num = prompt('숫자를 입력하세요').split(''); const len = parseInt(prompt('몇 개의 수를 선택하시겠습니까?'),10); console.log(solution(num));
function combination(arr, num) { let result = []; if(num == 1) return arr.map(e => [e]); arr.forEach((e,i,array) => { let rest = [...array.slice(0,i), ...array.slice(i+1)]; let combinations = combination(rest,num-1); let combiArr = combinations.map(x => [e, ...x]) result.push(...combiArr); }) return result; }
function findPrimeNumbers(numberList, prevNumber) { const frontPaddingNumber = prevNumber || ''; return numberList.reduce((primeNumbers, number, index) => { if (isPrimeNumber(Number(frontPaddingNumber + number))) { primeNumbers.push(Number(frontPaddingNumber + number)); } const nextNumberList = [...numberList]; nextNumberList.splice(index, 1); const result = findPrimeNumbers( nextNumberList, frontPaddingNumber + number, ); primeNumbers.push(...result); return primeNumbers; }, []); }
나중에 new Set(배열)의 형식으로 해줘야 중복이 제거된다.
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